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Inspirational words of Torah from Gedolei Yisroel.

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Thriving in the Cold
Now that the special days of Chanukah have passed, we look to about six weeks of Winter until Tu B’Shvat arrives and the first indications of blossoming flowers and fruits arrive in Eretz Yisroel.  The thought of Winter may make one feel chilled (even the word “Kar” sounds a bit frosty), but we, as Ma’aminim Bnei Ma’aminim, must realize that it is an opportunity for special, and, in fact, necessary growth--as this is the situation and circumstance in which Hashem in His Omniscient Wisdom has placed us.

So, we are faced with surroundings of leafless trees, long nights, cold days, bone-drenching rains, and for some of us a little or a lot of ice, sleet and snow.  Can we succeed at all in this environment?  No doubt that we can succeed--and thrive.

We would first like to reiterate a suggestion that we have made in the past--that you take the next 40 days in a row and, at least one time a day, make the brocha of SheHakol NiHeYeh Bidevaro and the brocha of Borei Nefashos with the special **warm** feeling that Hashem loves you with an unbounding love and wants to shower bracha of all kind upon you.

We would also like to provide a second thought based upon the teachings of HaRav Meir Schuck, Zt’l, the Temesvar Rav.  HaRav Schuck brings the words of Rebbe Shimon (Avos 2:18):  “Be meticulous in reading the Shema and in prayer; when you pray, do not make your prayer a set routine but rather [beg for] compassion and supplicate before the Omnipresent....”  HaRav Schuck notes that, at first glance, this Mishna does not appear to belong in Mesechta Avos, which teaches us pious behavior, and not required conduct.  After all, are not the proper recitation of Shema and Shemone Esrei absolute Halachic requirements?  Indeed, there are literally scores of chapters in Shulchan Aruch relating to the Laws of Kriyas Shema and Shemone Esrei!  HaRav Schuck, therefore, concludes that Rebbe Shimon wants us to understand that even when reciting Kriyas Shema and Tefillah properly--with no talking, no interruptions, starting on time, properly enunciating the words and reciting them loud enough to hear them, etc., there is still another important dimension of which we must continuously remind ourselves.  That is, each Kriyas Shema, each Shemone Esrei, is very literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, for it will never recur.  Yes, you have recited Kriyas Shema and Shemone Esrei thousands and thousands of times, but are you taking the opportunity to be “zahir”--careful to recognize and appreciate--that this particular Shema and Shemone Esrei in front of you is a one-time opportunity and should not get lost in all those thousands of occasions that you have had until today, and B’Ezras Hashem, the tens of thousands that you will have in the future?  One should not simply “be Yotzei” his “obligation” by routine.  Instead, one should avoid the negative habit, the dry rote, the repetitive redundancy by taking a moment out before each Shema and Shemone Esrei to appreciate--and treasure--the truly monumental opportunity.  As one peeks out the window, and things may seem to look cold and bleary, day in and day out, as the pattern of Winter appears to be almost nothing but darkness, we should break out and recognize the new, fresh, stand-alone opportunities of the day--Two Shema affirmations and Three Shemone Esrei private encounters with the Almighty.

When we apply this thought, we will be doing something substantial here in the back lines, and may our Geulah come speedily and in these days.

Hakhel MIS

Posted 1/1/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week | Comments (0)

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