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Inspirational words of Torah from Gedolei Yisroel.

Blog Image: Salant.JPG
The greatest of all virtues is the attainment of the Iyan Tova, i.e., a "good eye". That is, a completely positive view of others - to see the good in every human being.
If a person sees someone act improperly and thereby invalidates that person, he has weakened the bond of brotherhood - the very fabric of community.  Since there is no human being that does not have some flaw, one who has a tendency to judge others, will find some blemish in everyone.
Therefore, we should be aware that while the essence of the human being is good, nevertheless, he is still vulnerable to the influence of the negative impulse. However, if a person acts inappropriately, rest assured that he regrets his lack of discretion. In addition, let’s consider that if we were in his shoes, we might have acted worse than him. Therefore, we should never invalidate another person, regardless of what they have done.
King Solomon said (Mishlei 22:9): "One who has a ’good eye’ will be blessed." Thus one who maintains a positive view of others will be blessed - continuously and abundantly - throughout   his entire life. Just as he wishes for the good and rejoices in the success of others, so too, HaShem will bless him with countless blessings, success, and abundant happiness. Indeed, he will never lack anything for the ’kindness of HaShem will surround him’. 
Regarding the ’good eye’ there is no middle ground. If we do not view others in a positive light, then by force of human nature, we will see them unfavorably. Therefore, we should attach ourselves - exclusively - to the trait of a ’good eye’.  By viewing our brethren in positive way, the wonderful treasures of HaShem will flow into our lives and illuminate our souls with joy and peace.
[Based on Har Yira, of Rav Arye Finkel]
TODAY: Focus on the good in every person that comes into your life.

Posted 12/19/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week | Comments (0)

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