Chanukah is a day closer! We begin a series of Halachos relating to Chanukah. This first Halacha is provided by The Vaad L’maan Yahadus of Los Angeles (Rabbi Gershon Bess, Shlita). The Vaad can be contacted at 323-933-5031.
Time Zone: The Poskim discuss the situation in which a person is traveling by plane (unable to light) and is in a different time zone than his wife. According to the Minchas Yitzchok, if he is in a time zone “ahead” of his wife (candle-lighting has already arrived for him), she may light and he will thereby fulfill the mitzvah. If, however, he is in a time zone “behind” his wife (candle-lighting time has not yet arrived where he is), it is questionable whether he can fulfill his obligation with her lighting (before it is the time for him to light). HaRav Elyashiv, Shlita, holds that he will not fulfill his obligation, unless his wife lights at a time when he is traveling over land, where it is candle lighting time below, on the ground. If his wife lights at that time, he will fulfill his obligation. HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Z’tl, is of the opinion that, since the mitzvah is light in his home, and his wife is lighting in his home during the proper time (for her), he thereby fulfills the mitzvah, no matter where he is. Obviously, one should try to avoid such a situation.
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