Will we let Aseres B’Teves pass us after partaking of a bagel and juice or some other break-fast? Our body remembers the fast for a while after our abstinence. Our souls should remember it at least as long. Chazal (Shabbos 31A) teach that one of the first six questions a person is asked by the Heavenly Court is ’Tzipisa L’Yeshua--Did you long for the Redemption?’ How can we express this longing? We suggest that this week during the ’Es Tzemach Dovid’ brocha of Shemone Esrei (in which we state our longing for the Moshiach) we recall something that we have longed for (the bus or train to come, the luggage to arrive off the airplane, etc.), and feel some heartfelt hope for the arrival of Moshiach. You can put a little Post-It note or make some small highlight (by highlighter or otherwise) next to this brocha in your siddur. Show yourself and others that ruchniyus opportunities are not supposed to merely boomerang off us after they touch us, but are to penetrate within us like a fine, pure oil.
Reprinted with permission from Hakhel MIS