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Inspirational words of Torah from Gedolei Yisroel.

Chanukah celebrates the incredible military victory by a sacred few. We are reminded of the three Shevuyim: [red]ELDAD BEN TOVA, EHUD BEN MALKA, and GILAD BEN AVIVA[/red]. Perhaps it would be appropriate to [b]recite a Kepital Tehillim [/b]for them every day of Chanukah--[i]to symbolize our faith that they can be returned to their families unscathed in spite of their current situation[/i]. Please spread the word. The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (Hilchos Chanukah, 139:1) writes: [red]'We increase our Tzedakah during the days of Chanukah,[/red] for these days are especially endowed with the ability to rectify shortcomings of the soul through tzedakah--and especially Tzedakah which supports Torah Scholars in need.' The days of Chanukah are days especially dedicated [red]'L'Hodos U'Lehalel--to thank and praise'[/red], for when all is said and done we remained and remain separate and distinct as a people--unmuddled by the false ideologies, philosophies, and beliefs of the outside world. Of course, both thanks and praise involve the spoken word. However, when we speak, our words are intended to emanate from our hearts. Everyday, when reciting Al Hanisim and Hallel, they should not be viewed as an 'extra' which lengthens the davening in honor of the Holiday, but rather as an opportunity to demonstrate your 'Avoda Shebalev--your service of the heart' in true thanks and sincere appreciation for our lives--and for the ordinary and extraordinary miracles that we have, and B'ezras Hashem will continue to be blessed with. -------------------------- Reprinted with permission from Hakhel MIS --------------------------

Posted 12/17/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

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