"Trust in Him at all times, people; pour
out your hearts before Him: G-D is a refuge for us, Selah (Psalm 62:9)." The
Malbim explains that this verse details the three advantages that "trust in G-D"
has over "trust in others." One cannot trust in another individual for all
things at all times; trust is given sparingly and specifically. A man may know
to trust someone in good times, but go elsewhere when times are hard. But G-D
may be trusted at all times; He may be relied upon for all things. Secondly,
while we may trust another, we are cautious not to reveal all our secrets to
that person. Our self-interest dictates that we disclose only what is
necessary to obtain assistance. But with Hashem, we have the freedom to
disclose all, to pour out our hearts before Him. We can and should "let go and
let G-D." Thirdly, trusting in another human limits us to trusting for the
moment. Trusting in Hashem gives us a refuge, a place of safety for each moment
and every circumstance. In G-D we trust, and this trust continually cares,
comforts, and cherishes us.