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Tehillim Thought of the Day [Psalm 76:6 and Psalm 20:8]

13th of Cheshvan, November 11, 2008 

The manifest glory of Hashem has spiritual and physical consequences.  In G-D’s illumination, strong men relinquish their resolve and warriors lose their fighting spirit. "Bereft of reason were the stout-hearted, they slept their sleep, and all the warriors did not find their ability (Psalm 76:6)."   Man has the temerity to challenge G-D when he is secure in his reasoning and convinced of his ability to defeat an unseen and undervalued foe.   But with the manifestation of Hashem’s power, the stout-hearted person grows fearful, losing reason and retreating.   Warriors, who know only physical power, find themselves unable to confront the spiritual and moral force of Hashem.  His power exceeds theirs in both degree and scope.  Their knowledge is restricted to the rudiments of war; they cannot comprehend a universe in which might is subordinate to right.  Therefore, Assaf states: "At Your rebuke, O G-D of Jacob, were stunned both chariot and horse."   Horse and chariot, used in the waging of war, are rendered useless in the face of Hashem’s rebuke.  In the words of David, "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will proclaim the name of the Lord, our G-D (Psalm 20:8)."


Copyright, 2008 Rachel Lerner

Posted 11/28/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Tehillim | Comments (0)

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