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Roiza Weinreich Aneinu Shiur Summary
Aneinu women's teleconference shiur this week was given by Roiza Weinreich, a popular women lecturer in the NY area. She spoke about the terrible tragedy we have just suffered in the death of Yehuda ben Nachmun.

She of course spoke about how lost we all feel, and don’t know how to respond to this tragedy. She said reading every bit of information on how it happened is not the right response, giving up hope and feeling pessimistic is not the correct response either (Rebbetzin Jaegar also spoke about these 2 facts-it is the yetzer horo that wants us to be depressed and pessimistic and hanging on to the facts of what happened is not for our ‘toales’). To ask is Hashem with us, as the Yidden did in the desert is also incorrect. After the Yidden did that, Amalek came and attacked them.
She said we can learn a lot from the bnos Tzelefchod-which we will read this shabbos. They could have given up hope, they had no father, he had been killed by Bais Din for a sin he commited, they were all older singles, about 100-really there seemed to be no hope for them, that they would get inheritance in Eretz Yisroel and there would be a continuation to their family line. But , they did not give up. They walked up to Moshe (they had no brothers to speak for them) and they said, “Tinoh Lonu Nachala”, the plain meaning is, give us an inheritance, but their words could be taken to mean, “we have a vision, an ‘achuaza’ and we are going to hold onto it, till it becomes real. Roiza explained we all have our needs-a shidduch, a child, parnasa and many times we say, if we don’t get what we want, we will give up, but the bnos tzelechad also had a need-an inheritance, but they went to Moshe and said, tinoh lono achuzah-we are holding on, we are continuing , we are not giving up, we need a family, we need an inheritance and we will continue to daven till we get it. And Roiza explained when we daven for our needs-instead of saying , Hashem we need a shidduch, we need health –we should be saying Hashem we need you, we need Moshiach . If we felt that our hope lay in Hashem, and that is our true need, the rest will come.
She quoted the Steipler Gaon who said that a mother who says bentching out loud is giving real protection to her children against car accidents, illness and other tragedies. When we bentsch out loud , we create angels who guard our children

-To hear roiza’s shiur, please go to kol halsohon

To hear the shiur on Kol Haloshon:
then 1-5-10
then 1
then 207

Shaindy Kappel
Aneinu Tehillim

Posted 7/15/2011 10:12 AM | Tell a Friend | Articles of Interest | Comments (2)

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