We continue with our series on the Halachos of Brachos.
Water: If one is not thirsty at all, but drinks water because he is going out on the road for awhile, or because it is the evening before a fast day, or, if for health purposes, one must drink water, or to flush down something stuck in his throat, one should not make a brocha rishona or brocha achrona on the water if he is not at all thirsty for it. It is best in these instances to make a Shehakol on something else to avoid any questions as to whether or not a person is thirsty or can make a brocha. However, one who drinks warm water on an empty stomach for health purposes must make a brocha, for it is not possible that he will not derive pleasure from the warm drink even if he does not necessarily feel thirsty. (Piskei Teshuvos 2: pp. 721-722).