1 Ch. 22, v. 2: "Va'yar Bolok" And Bolok saw Did he actually see, or did he hear what Yisroel did to the Emorites?
2 Ch. 22, v. 2: "Va'yar Bolok" And Bolok saw Rabbi Eliyohu Mizrochi, in his lengthy commentary on Rashi on the first verse of the Torah, in the final paragraph, beginning with the words "Shebatchiloh oloh v'mach'shovoh" says that Rashi's explanation of the word "boro" is similar to "Va'yilochem b'Yisroel" of Bolok. This seems extremely puzzling. Although we find the words "va'yilochem b'Yisroel" in Bmidbar 21:23, it has nothing to do with Bolok. It is discussing the war with Sichon. Secondly, where do we find Bolok actually waging war with the bnei Yisroel?
3 Ch. 22, v. 3: "Va'yogor Moav mipnei ho'om m'ode ki rav hu" And Moav feared in the face of the nation greatly because it was numerous Why was Moav so frightened? The bnei Yisroel were restricted from attacking Moav. The Torah says, "Al totzer es Moav v'al tisgor bom milchomoh" (Dvorim 2:9).
4 Ch. 22, v. 29: "Ki atoh haragtich" Because now I would have killed you The words "ki atoh" seem superfluous.
5 Ch. 23, v. 23: "Ki lo nachash b'Yaakov v'lo kessem b'Yisroel" Because there is no sooth saying in Yaakov and no occult in Yisroel What is "nachash" and what is "kessem?"