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FRUMToronto Articles Chamishoh Mi Yodeia

Chamishoh Mi Yodeia – Five Questions and Answers

Blog Image: Thoughts.JPG
Parshas Vayakhel Pekudei
1) Ch. 35, v. 2: "Sheishes yomim" – Six days – Rashi says that Moshe gave the mitzvoh of Shabbos BEFORE the mitzvoh of erecting the Mishkon, to teach that the building of the Mishkon does not push aside Shabbos. Rashi on Shmos 31:13 d.h. "ach" says that from that verse we derive this ruling, and there Shabbos is mentioned AFTER the building of the Mishkon. We see that we derive this point from Shabbos being mentioned AFTER the Mishkon. Likewise, we find the verse "Ish imo v'oviv tiro'u v'es Shabsosai tishmoru" (Vayikra 19:3), from which we similarly derive that although there is a mitzvoh to fear one's parents, nevertheless, if a parent commands his child to do an act that involves desecration of Shabbos, the child may not comply, and there too, Shabbos is mentioned after fearing one's parents. (Placing Shabbos afterwards to bring out this point of information seems to be the logical order. Do this or that mitzvoh, BUT keep the laws of Shabbos.)

2) Ch. 39, v. 30: "Va'yich't'vu olov" – And they wrote upon it – If just one person etched the two words "kodesh laShem" into the golden forehead plate, why does the verse say "va'yich't'vu," in the plural form?

3) Ch. 39, v. 32: "Vatheichel kol avodas haMishkon" – And all the work of the Mishkon was complete – The work was completed near the end of the month Kislev. However, the assembly took place on the 1st day of Nison. Why the 3 month wait?

4) Ch. 39, v. 40: "Es meisorOV vi'seidoseHOH" – And HIS cables and HER pegs – Why the change in gender?

5) Ch. 40, v. 20: "Va'yikach va'yi'tein es ho'eidus" – And he took and he placed the testimonial tablets – Every item was taken and placed, yet this is the only time we have "va'yikach."

Click here for the answers!

Posted 3/5/2013 2:57 PM | Tell a Friend | Chamishoh Mi Yodeia | Comments (0)

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