1) Ch. 6, v. 9: "B'dorosov" - Rashi says that some of our TEACHERS interpret this positively and others interpret this negatively. A) Why does Rashi skip the word TEACHERS when he says that some interpret our verse negatively? B) Why indeed does Rashi mention the negative interpretation at all?
2) Ch. 6, v. 16: "Tzohar" - Rashi offers two explanations, either a window or a stone which illuminated. Rashi earlier on "b'dorosov" (6:9) also offered two explanations. In both places they are the differing opinions of Rabbi Yochonon and Reish Lokish. Rabbi Yochanan interpreted "b'dorosov" in a negative manner and also says that "tzohar" is an illuminating stone. Reish Lakish interpreted "b'dorosov" in a positive manner and also says that "tzohar" is a window. How can we run their opinions in tandem?
3) Ch. 6, v. 18: "Kol asher bo'oretz yigvo" – We know that this does not include fish. From where is this derived?
4) Ch. 7, v. 2: "Shivoh shivoh" - Why seven of the kosher species and only two of the non-kosher? Rashi answers that Hashem was indicating to Noach that he should use some of the kosher animals as a thanksgiving sacrifice upon exiting the ark safely. What other reason is there for this?
5) Ch. 9, v. 12,13: "Zose ose habris asher Ani NOSEIN, Es kashti NOSATI" – Why the difference in tense?