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Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 39 - The Best Defense

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 3:7-8

Imagine if there existed a spiritual secret which would ensure that all your actions would be viewed in Heaven in a positive light. Heavenly angels would come to your defense ....

Posted 10/22/2007 10:55 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 40 - The Self- Righteous Speaker

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM - Laws of Loshon Hora 4:1-2

It is a law of “loshon hora physics” that when one speaks loshon hora about the spiritual failings of someone else, that loshon hora is most intense a ....

Posted 10/22/2007 11:24 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 41 - Judging Favorably

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 4:3-4

As we have already discussed, there is a tendency to denigrate a fellow Jew whom we see transgressing, and thereby achieve a momentary “high.” On the other hand, the Torah has given ....

Posted 10/23/2007 11:08 AM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 42 - Rebuke

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 4:5-6

In the previous segment, the Chofetz Chaim stressed that when rebuking someone, one must be careful to speak gently and with respect. Here the Chofetz ....

Posted 10/25/2007 12:10 AM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 43 - A Time to Speak

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 4:7-8

If one were to compile a list of Torah leaders of the past few centuries who most symbolized ahavas Yisrael (love of one’s fellow Jew), the Chofetz Chaim would surely be high on the l ....

Posted 10/25/2007 11:08 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 44 - Handle With Care

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 4:9-10

In this segment, the Chofetz Chaim reflects on the attitude of a certain type of individual, a sincerely observant person who acts as if he has either misse ....

Posted 10/26/2007 11:48 AM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 45 – Constructive Purpose

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 4:11

One of the beautiful aspects of shmiras haloshon is that it demonstrates how Torah is all encompassing. While the Torah prohibits most forms of negative speech, it provides for the rele ....

Posted 10/26/2007 11:49 AM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 46 – Repairing the Damage

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 4:12

One of the greatest gifts Hashem has given the Jewish People is the ability to cleanse ourselves of our sins through teshuvah (repentance). This gift is especially precious when one has ....

Posted 10/28/2007 11:14 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 47 - Between Man and His Fellow

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 5:1

In this segment, the Chofetz Chaim focuses on the mitzvah to extend loans to a fellow Jew. As the Torah states:” … When you lend money to My people …” (Shemos 22:24).

Consider the ....

Posted 10/29/2007 11:48 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 48 - Opinion

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 5:2

In this segment, the Chofetz Chaim discusses assessments which people make regarding someone’s physical or mental abilities. It is common for people involved in everyday conversat ....

Posted 10/30/2007 11:21 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 49 - Intelligence

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 5:3-4

In this segment, the Chofetz Chaim further examines the common practice of discussing other people’s intelligence. He asks the reader to consider the following scenario:

You ove ....

Posted 10/31/2007 9:39 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 50 – Dangerous Conjectures

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 5:5-6

The Chofetz Chaim informs us today that the popular pastime of “armchair financial analysis” is actually a forum for loshon hora. This occurs when a group conjectures about another per ....

Posted 11/2/2007 2:49 AM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 51 - Marketing Tools and the Power of Two

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 5:7-8

In the business world, loshon hora is often spoken as a “marketing tool.” You may have observed this technique when asking a salesman for his opinion about a product and receiving, ins ....

Posted 11/2/2007 12:03 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 52 - The Art of Listening

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 6:1-2

One of the factors which makes loshon hora such a serious sin is that it involves the interaction of two people — the speaker and the listener. Until now, the Chofetz Chaim has been de ....

Posted 11/2/2007 12:04 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 53 – Constructive Listening

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 6:3-4

In the previous segment, we learned that we are permitted to listen to loshon hora (without accepting it as fact) if there is something constructive to be gained. The Chofetz Chaim now ....

Posted 11/5/2007 9:38 AM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 54 - Standing Firm

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 6:5-6

The Chofetz Chaim introduces us to a situation with which we are all familiar:

You are sitting at someone’s Shabbos table or at a wedding, and several people start speaking losh ....

Posted 11/5/2007 10:37 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 55 - Think Positive

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 6:7-8

In the course of a day, the average person hears hundreds of pieces of information. As each one is digested, we are left to decide whether or not we choose to accept it as fact. And wh ....

Posted 11/7/2007 10:01 AM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 56 - Action without Judgment

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 6:9-10

We have been learning about kaballas loshon hora, the prohibition against believing loshon hora which is related in one’s presence. The Chofetz Chaim states that this prohibition appl ....

Posted 11/7/2007 9:28 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 57 - A Proper Mindset

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM Laws of Loshon Hora 6:11-12

The Chofetz Chaim begins this segment by stressing that many people react incorrectly in cases of negative reports, where the listener needs to reckon with the report and protect himse ....

Posted 11/8/2007 9:55 PM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

Blog Image: ChofetzChaim.jpg
Expand Article Day 58 - Jumping to Conclusions

SEFER CHOFETZ CHAIM — Laws of Loshon Hora 7:1-2

We have learned that if someone says, “This isn’t loshon hora. I would say it right in front of him!” the Torah still classifies the statement as loshon hora and we are not permi ....

Posted 11/12/2007 12:06 AM | Tell a Friend | Shmiras Haloshon Yomi

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