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Inspirational words of Torah from Gedolei Yisroel.

Blog Image: Hakhel.jpg
Pesach Points to Ponder
If one would start tomorrow, the 22nd day of Adar II, to learn three Mishnayos of Mesechta Pesachim per day, he would make a Siyum on the entire Mishnayos Pesachim before the end of Pesach.  As we all know, one must ready himself not only physically for Pesach, but also spiritually as well!

Special Note Two:  As we are in full swing of the lofty time period between Purim and Pesach, we realize that it is perhaps the most monetarily “expensive” time of year.  Beginning with Matanos L’Evyonim on Purim, continuing with Pesach shopping (matzos, food, clothing, household needs, trips, etc.), continuing further with Maos Chittin…and finally…taxes due for many on April 15(!).

The Torah does give us great guidance in meeting the huge tests presented by money and Parnassah.  We provide below several very valuable Torah insights in this regard, excerpted from the outstanding Artscroll collection entitled Torah Treasury, which would prove a significant addition to everyone’s home.

Crazy over Money.
Man’s obsession with money and its hold over him is amazing.  The Kohen Gadol was among the most spiritually elevated people in the nation.  He was also the wealthiest of the Kohanim (see Yoma 18a).  Despite this, the Torah warns Aharon HaKohen--even the KohenGadol--and tells him not to allow the fact that he will not eat of the olah’s meat (because it is offered totally on the Mizbeach) to affect his service.  Will a little bit of meat affect the saintly--and wealthy--Kohen Gadol?  Yes, says the Torah.  Money’s hold over man defies logic.  Though a man of spirit and of means, one can be influenced by financial considerations (R’ Yechezkel Levenstein).

First In, First Out.
An insightful Rosh Yeshiva was once discussing marriage prospects with one of his students.  The young man foolishly believed that the key to his remaining dedicated to Torah learning lied with his marrying the daughter of a wealthy man.  The Rosh Yeshiva offered the following advice: “While there are obviously exceptions to this, let me tell you what my experience has been.  You can marry a girl from a wealthy home or marry a young woman whose father is not wealthy but who is a Talmid Chacham.  As long as the financial climate is good, you may be better off with the rich man’s daughter.  However, if the financial climate deteriorates, you will likely be the first one laid off the rich man’s payroll, but the last one off the Talmid Chacham’s.”

Head Above Water.
The Gemara (Kiddushin 29a) states that a parent is obligated to teach his child a trade, so that the child will be able to support himself and his family, and he must teach him to swim.  What is the connection between the two?

The Kotzker Rebbe explains that involvement in a trade can easily take over a person’s life.  To maintain proper balance, it is imperative for a person to take a cue from swimming.  When one swims, his entire body is immersed in the water--but survival depends on his ability to keep his head above the water.  The same is true in business.  While one might throw himself totally into commerce, to spiritually survive he must keep his head out of it.

Dovid HaMelech teaches us (Tehillim, 128:2), “When you eat the labor of your hands you are praiseworthy, and all is well with you.”  “You are praiseworthy and all is well when your labor is limited to your hands,” commented the Kotzker. “When your head and heart get totally immersed in your business, all is not well.”

Special Note Three:  At the beginning of this week’s Parsha, Shemini, we find that Moshe Rabbeinu first “Called to Aharon...” and only afterwards “Spoke to Aharon.”  HaRav Yechezkel Sarna, Z’tl, notes that when one wants to speak with a person, he should call him specifically by his name, and only then continue with a conversation.  Mentioning someone’s name can create a special level of endearment and closeness, a human bond.  Moshe Rabbeinu may very well have learned this very beautiful Middah from Hashem Himself, Who at the outset of Sefer VaYikra (1:1) first “calls to Moshe”, and only afterwards begins “speaking to him.”

May we suggest that over Shabbos (i.e. the week-end) and Sunday (i.e., the week-beginning), you take the lead of Hashem--and of Moshe Rabbeinu--and call to a person by name before starting a conversation.  May this serve as a source of Brocha in enhancing all of our personal relationships.

Reprinted with permission from Hakhel MIS

Posted 3/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week | Comments (0)

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