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Sunday, 15 Kislev 5772, December 11, 2011
Halacha For Today:


15 Kislev 5772

December 11, 2011



The Talmud (Shabbos 21b, also quoted in the Tur beginning of Hilchos Chanukah) asks the following question: "Mai Chanukah, What is Chanukah"?

Rashi explains the Talmud's question to mean, "Due to which miracle was the Yom Tov of Chanukah instituted?"

The Talmud goes on to answer the question as follows: On the 25th day of the month of Kislev begin the eight days of Chanukah. It is prohibited to eulogize anyone on these days and it is prohibited to fast on these days.


When the Greeks entered the Bais HaMikdash they[handled all the vessels and touched and] made all the oil [that was used to light the menorah] impure. When the Chashmonaim (sometimes referred to as the Macabees) overpowered the Greek army and won the war they searched the entire Bais HaMikdash and were only able to find one small jug of pure oil [with the seal of the Kohen Gadol on it].

There was only enough oil in this jug to light the menorah for one day. However, a miracle occurred and the small amount of oil was sufficient to light the menorah for eight days (until they were once again able to purify themselves and produce more oil).

The following year, beginning on 25 Kislev, the Chachamim instituted an eight day Yom Tov (which we refer to as Chanukah) dedicated to Halel (praise) and Hoda'ah (Thanks) [to Hashem].

1) According to many Rishonim there is no requirement to have a Seudah (festive meal) on Chanukah, and any Seudah that is made is a Seudas Reshus (non-obligatory meal).

Others argue and maintain that there is indeed a requirement to have a Seudah, with bread, on Chanukah.

The prevalent minhag when having a Seudah on Chanukah is to sing Shiros V'Tishbachos (praises) to Hashem and/or talk Divrei Torah, thus making it a Seudas Mitzvah according to all opinions.

2) It is customary to eat foods made with cheese on Chanukah in commemoration of the miracle of Yochanan Kohen Gadol's daughter, Yehudis, slaying the Greek general Heliphornius which is considered one of the miracles of Chanukah, in which cheese played a role. (See Ram"a Siman 670:2 and Mishna Berura S"K 10. for more of the story.)


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.

These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

Can a mourner for a parent (an Avel) , within the twelve months of mourning, lead Mincha on Erev Shabbos ?

What are the sources for your decision ?

In addition, does a mourner within the twelve months lead Mincha and/or Maariv on Chanukah ?


The Poskim discuss the times when an Avel should not daven, and I have not found anyone who says that Mincha on Erev Shabbos is one of those times(That doesnt mean that the opinion doesn't exist, it just means I didn't find it).

In fact, in the Sefer Pnei Baruch (Siman 35) he quotes the father of the Shl"a HaKadosh who says that on days when Tachnun is not recited (which would presumably be the reason for the minhag not to daven on Erev Shabbos at Mincha, if such a minhag even exists) it is in fact a Mitzvah for an Aveil to daven for the Amud.

The Mishna Berura too (Siman 581:7) writes that one may daven on a day that Tachnun isn't recited. In fact the Pnei Baruch also writes there that this that Aveilim do not daven on Shabbos is only a minhag, but there is no Issur!

The time when the Aveilim do not daven is when "LamnaTzeach ...Yaancha Hashem B'Yom Tzara/Tziduk HaDin" is not recited. And even then it is a Machlokes HaPoskim as to which Tefilos are better for an aveil not be the Shliach Tzibbur for.

On Rosh Chodesh some Poskim say that an Avel should not daven at all, while others maintain that only for Halel and Musaf he shouldn't lead, but Shachris, Maariv and Mincha are OK. Others maintain that for Shachris too he shouldnt be the ba'al Tefilah. (See Mishna Berura ibid.)

On Chanukah an Aveil may daven Mincha and Maariv, but not Shachris and Halel. (See Mishna Berura 683:1 and 671:44)

There are Poskim who maintain that on Chanuka, even for Mincha and Maariv, an Aveil should not daven for the Amud (Shu"t Rivevos Ephraim Vol. 1 Siman 443 says this was the opinion of Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal. See also Shu"t Divrei Moshe Siman 84)

For a final ruling, a Rav should be consulted, of course or at least the Gabbai of the Shul who may know the "Minhag HaMakom", which should always be followed.


This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal and the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal. May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they both be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.

We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!

זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה

HaRav Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky Zatzal, Rav of Vilna, Raban Shel Yisroel.(1863-1940)

A man stopped HaRav Caim Ozer Grodzinsky Zatzal, the Rav of Vilna and the Gadol and Posek Hador in the pre-WWII era, to ask for directions how to get to his destination.

This man was stuttering, so Rav Chaim Ozer not only gave him directions but also walked him all the way to his destination.

The students asked why? R Chaim Ozer answered "If I didn't take him there he might have needed to ask direction again and then he might get embarrassed."


Submitted bt daily reader, C.M.

Posted 12/11/2011 1:37 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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