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Sunday, 25 Tishrei 5771, Oct. 3 2010
Halacha For Today:

October 3 2010
25 Tishrei 5771

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If you are just joining us today, please see ARCHIVES so you can review the previous Halachos on this and other topics.

1)There are thirty nine "Avos Melachos", i.e. 39 main categories of "work", that are prohibited on Shabbos.

The prohibited actions are not "work" in the sense that they are difficult or laborious in nature, rather they are "work" in the sense that they are "tasks" that were present in the construction of the Mishkan (tabernacle).

The prohibition of doing "work" on Shabbos is juxtaposed in the Torah with the Pesukim describing the construction of the Mishkan (Beginning of Parshas VaYakhel).

Furthermore, the word "Melacha" is present 39 times in the Torah and the commandment to not do work on Shabbos (in the Aseres HaDibros, Shmos 20:10) says "Lo Ta’aseh KOL melacha, you shall not do any work". The word "Kol" can also be understood as "don’t do "ALL" the work, thus teaching us that ALL "Melacha" that was present in the construction of the Mishkan is a "Melacha" that is prohibited on Shabbos. (See Talmud Shabbos 49b and Rashi there Dibur Hamaschil She’BaTorah. See also Tosfos Yom Tov to Maseches Shabbos Perek 7 Mishna 2 toward the end of Dibur haMascgil Avos melachos regarding which "melacha" words are counted and which aren’t in these 39)

Each of the 39 Av Melachos (literally translated as "father" tasks) are further broken down into subcategories and referred to in Halacha as "Toldos", offspring of the main category.

2)Over the next few months, B’Ezras Hashem, we will be discussing in detail many of the 39 melachos, their Toldos and their various different practical applications to aide us in strengthening our Shabbos observance.

The 39 Avos melachos are:

1. Zo’reah - Planting

2. Choresh - Plowing

3. Kotzer - Reaping

4. M’Amer - Gathering

5. Dash - Threshing

6. Zoreh - Winnowing

7. Borer - Sorting

8. Tochen - Grinding

9. Miraked - Sifting

10. Lash - Kneading

11. Ofeh / Bishul - Baking/Cooking

12. Gozez - Shearing

13. Melaben - Bleaching

14. Menapetz - Combing tangled wool

15. Tzo’veah - Dyeing

16. Toveh - Spinning

17. Mesach - Setting threads onto loom

18. Oseh Beis Batai Nirin - Preparing to weave

19. Oreg - Weaving

20. Potzeiah - Taking apart threads.

21. Kosher - Tying a knot

22. Matir - Untying a knot

23. Tofer - Sewing

24. Ko’reah - Tearing

25. Tzad - Trapping

26. Shochet - Slaughtering

27. Mafshit - Skinning

28. M’abed - Tanning

29. Mesarteit - Scratching out lines on parchment

30. Memachek - Smoothing

31. Mechatech - Cutting to exact shape

32. Kosev - Writing

33. Mochek - Erasing

34. Boneh - Building

35. Soser - Demolishing

36. Mechabeh - Extinguishing

37. Ma’avir - Kindling a fire.

38. Makeh B’Patish - Completing an object

39. Hotza’ah - Carrying between domains or in public domain



Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers. Taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren’t my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.

Questions can be emailed to

Reader’s Question:

For how long does one have to sleep in order to be obligated to recite birchas Hatorah?

If one takes an afternoon nap is one required to recite birchas Hatorah when he wakes up?

I have one more question, if one goes to sleep at night and wakes up an hour later, says birchas hatorah and learns. Then one falls back asleep for "30 min" or more does one need to recite birchas hatorah again upon awakening or is it like an "afternoon nap"?

How about if one re-falls asleep until the next morning?


I am assuming your first question is referring to an amount one slept during the night in order to r
equire him to recite Birchos HaTorah upon waking in the morning.

In that case, the amount of sleep is a "Shinas Keva" which is approximately half an hour. According to some opinions, even if someone did not sleep at all during the night he would be obligated in Birchos haTorah in the morning.

The best thing to do is to hear the Brachos from someone else and answer Amen and be Yotzei that way. If however if one slept during the day on the previous day, but was up all night ,then he makes Birchos HaTorah himself the next morning based on yesterday’s nap.

If one naps during the day he does not need to recite Birchos HaTorah again upon waking from his nap.

If one wakes before Alos HaShachar and makes Birchos HaTorah, he does not repeat the Brachos in the morning, even if he goes back to sleep, according to most Poskim. If one did repeat Birchos HaTorah in the morning, he has upon who to rely, but better not to initially do this. (See Mishna Berura Siman 47:29. Also see Biur Halacha ibid. Dibur HaMaschil Hamashkim)

Halacha For Today emails are best read using internet explorer, as other browsers can sometimes cause all or part of the email to disappear. I apologize for any inconvenience.



As a Zechus for the Refuah Shelaima of one of the Gedolei HaDor, the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva , HaRav Chaim Stein Shlita, R’ Chaim Yaakov ben Chasya Miriam, B’soch Sha’ar Cholei Yisroel, we will B’Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


קוה אל ד’, חזק ויאמץ לבך, וקוה אל ד’
Chizuk For Today:

Question: Is it important for an idealistic Torah Jew to love himself?

Answer from HaRav Avigdor Miller Zatzal:
Ohhh, my favorite subject. Ve’ohavta L’raiacha Kamocha, you should love your fellow man like yourself. So yourself is the model. Sure you should love yourself. Chayecha V’chayai Chavercha, Chayecha Kodmin, you’re better, your life comes first. So take good care of your health. Certainly, love yourself. Komocha, so love yourself. You should give yourself the best Torah education that you can. Give yourself the best Middos. Of course, you train your children in good character, but train yourself first. Hu Yilmod Ubno Lilmod, Hu Kodem. Who should learn first, you or your son? I’m first. There’s a tape called "My best beloved child," guess who it is? My best beloved child! Like a man once said, they asked him why’s he saying Kaddish? He said, he doesn’t have any children to say Kaddish for him so he is saying Kaddish for himself right now. And so the best Nachas is from yourself. Of course if you have good children who learn Torah and do Mitzvos, it’s Nachas. But in addition to that there’s a better Nachas - have Nachas from yourself.

That’s why it’s so good when a man gives Tzedoko when he’s alive. When you give Tzedoko after you’re dead it’s like giving copper; copper’s also good. When you give when you’re alive, it’s like giving gold, because it’s your own money. After a man dies its not his money anymore. The children obey him and they give the money away to what he said so, but it’s not his money. But when you’re alive, it’s your own money. And that’s why get in all the Mitzvos that you can while you’re still around. Kol Ma Shebkocho Lasos, Asai. whatever you can do, Shlomo Hamelech said do right now, don’t wait, don’t put it off.

And therefore, the question, do you have to love yourself? Hakadosh Baruch Hu loves those who love themselves. But you have to love the right way. If a man sits down at a big meal let’s say, and he noshes cake with icing on it, he’s not loving himself, he’s hating himself, because if he does that to an enemy, he’s destroying his health. A man that loves himself, doesn’t nosh, he eats what’s nourishing. He goes to sleep on time, he doesn’t stay up late. He loves himself! He makes it his business not to sit all the time. Exercise, to walk in the street a little bit. That man who loves himself, you have to know, if Hakadosh Baruch Hu will see, Baderech Sh’odom Rotseh Laleches Molichin Oso, you want to walk in the way of good health, I’m going to help you succeed in good health. If a man however is going to complain and feel bad and look for reasons to be unhappy, so Hakadosh Baruch Hu says, you’re trying to be unhappy? I am going to help you succeed. And he succeeds in being unhappy. That’s a Klal Godol, Mi Ha’ish Hachafets Chaim, you want to live long, you love days? So Hashem said, I’m going to help you. Of course, you have to do it in the right manner, if you do it in the right manner, Hashem loves you.

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Our holy sages, the Chazal tell us
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Posted 10/3/2010 4:41 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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