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Monday, 20 Elul 5770, August 30 2010
Halacha For Today:

August 30 2010
20 Elul 5770; 10 Days to Rosh Hashana 5771

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Thank you and Tizkeh L'Mitzvos!


If you are just joining us today, please see ARCHIVES so you can review the previous Halachos on this and other topics.

1)When giving Tzedaka, based on the Arizal and other kabalistic sources the money should be given with the right hand.

There is no difference between right handed and left handed people regarding this Halacha. (Ruling of Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita)

2) Sifrei Torah, Tefilin and Mezuzos must be written with the right hand. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim Siman 32:5 and Yoreh Deah Siman 271:6 and Siman 288:12)

A left handed person should write Sifrei Torah, Tefilin and Mezuzos with his left hand, which is considered his "right hand". (See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim ibid. and Shach Yoreh Deah 271:12. See also Ben Ish Chai in Shu"t Rav Pa'alim Vol. 2 Siman 9 and Shu"t Ohr L'Tzion Vol. 2 Siman 83:3 regarding Tefilin and Mezuzos written by a left handed person as there are some kabalistic reasons that may frown upon using them.)

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Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers. Taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.

Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.

Questions can be emailed to

Reader's Question:

From what I read, during davening Shemone Esreh one, who lives in galus - should face Eretz Israel, one who lives in Eretz Israel - should face Jerusalem and one who lives in Jerusalem - should face Western Wall.

If this is correct, should Americans face South and not Mizrach (East) ?


The ideal direction to daven is towards Eretz Yisroel, and not necessarily towards Mizrach, as most of us commonly do!

The Rama (Siman 94:2) says that the reason we (meaning those in Cracow, where he resided, as well as the rest of European Jewry) daven towards Mizrach is because we reside to the west of Eretz Yisroel."

In the USA, we are not to the exact west of Eretz Yisroel, and thus should not face "Mizrach" precisely according to halacha, yet that seems to be the prevelant Minhag. See Aruch HaShulchan Siman 94:4.

Please consult your Rav before making any personal changes regarding which direction you daven.

If you go to the MyZmanim website and enter your zip code and scroll to the bottom of the page, they will provide you the exact direction you should face from your location.

Halacha For Today emails are best read using internet explorer, as other browsers can sometimes cause all or part of the email to disappear. I apologize for any inconvenience.


As a Zechus for the Refuah Shelaima of one of the Gedolei HaDor, the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva , HaRav Chaim Stein Shlita, R' Chaim Yaakov ben Chasya Miriam, B'soch Sha'ar Cholei Yisroel, we will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short Chizuk thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.

קוה אל ד', חזק ויאמץ לבך, וקוה אל ד'

Chizuk For Today:

The Torah commands us, "ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם וגו'", we should not follow our heart and eyes. Rashi writes that the two are related, "The eye sees, the heart desires and the body then commits wrongdoings."
(שלח טו, לט, רש"י שם)

The Navi Yeshaya praises one "who closes his eyes from seeing bad" and promises that he will be protected and not lack sustenance, his children will develop properly and he will merit to see the glory of the king.

Chazal explain that this refers to one who does not gaze at the women washing clothes by the river. The Gemara explains that when there is an alternate route, one is obligated to take it and is not deserving of any special praise for doing so (for otherwise he is a Rasha.) The Navi is speaking of one who must take this route, yet forces himself with great difficulty to turn his eyes away.
(ישעיהו לג, טו-יז, בבא בתרא נ"ז ע"ב, שו"ע אהע"ז סי' כ"א ס"א)

The Medrash says that whoever restrains himself in the area of tznius is called Kadosh. The Navi Elisha is described by the woman of Shuneim as "Kadosh", for throughout the time he was there, he never looked at her.
(ויקרא רבה כ"ד ו׳)

The Medrash tells of the great kedusha of Yosef Hatzaddik who controlled his eyesight and guarded it. Potiphar's wife tried to entice him to look at her, even putting an iron rod under his neck, but despite all she did, he did not look. Later when Yosef, newly chosen as second to the king, was led throughout Mitzrayim, the princesses endeavored to look at his face, yet he did not glace at any of them. Yosef therefore merited success in עולם הזה and עולם הבא.
(בראשית רבה פ"ז י"א, ילקוט שמעוני ויחי רמז קס"א)

The Gemora relates how the wife of און בן פלת stopped her husband from joining Korach's campaign against Moshe Rabeinu. She positioned herself at the entrance of her tent and uncovered her hair, saying to herself "Now I know they will not approach the tent, for even these רשעים are careful to guard their eyes."
(סנהדרין ק"ט סע"ב)

A talmid of the Baal Shem Tov once requested his Rebbe's advice on guarding his eyes from seeing bad. The Baal Shem Tov advised him to travel to a particular city and stay at a certain individual's home where he will learn the proper conduct. Arriving at his destination, the talmid was very surprised to find that his host was a simpleton who worked most of the day at the port.

Some days later, alone in his host's home, he noticed a window high up near the ceiling. Being very curious, he placed one table atop another, piled a third above those two, and climbed up. Moving aside the curtain to look out, he was shocked and disgusted to see some neighbors behaving inappropriately. When his host returned, the talmid asked him, "I'm surprised at you! How can you live near such bad neighbors?!" and related what he had seen through the window. The host replied, "The question is on your behavior! I have been living here for twenty years and have never considered checking to see what my neighbors are doing, and you're here for only a couple of days, yet you could not restrain yourself from climbing up to look..."
(רשימות דברים ח"א ע' ד)

Submitted by M.F.; taken from the Agudas Avreichei Lubavitch weekly email.

In the zechus of all of us- both men and women- trying to guard our eyes better in the coming year may we be zoche to "see" Mashiach Tzidkeinu real soon!

Do YOU have something meaningful to submit for this section? Please email to
Our holy sages, the Chazal tell us
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- one who studies [at least two] Halachos daily is assured a portion in Olam Haba - the world to come. (Talmud Niddah 73a)

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Posted 8/29/2010 11:27 PM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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