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Devrei Torah relating to the weekly Parsha.

Blog Image: FishRabbi.JPG
Parshas Vayikrah
I read something that I thought you might like to think about.  Who do you think wrote these words, and which mitzvah is he speaking about."

"The man that is so inspired to do this, will share a goodly portion in everything that is generated from his efforts. He will delight in the Eternal delights - that no physical eye has ever seen. It is beyond human understanding to fathom and perceive the quantity and quality of the reward of this Mitzvah. The effort is relatively small and the reward is great - beyond all our ability to value and measure. Every man should put his eye and the power of his intellect to this great thing - and he will be a Master of his soul.

And what about this, isn’t this the wildest ? What is the name of this lizard and what country does it inhabit.? The world’s heaviest lizards, can grow up to 3 meters (10 feet) in length and have a toxic bite that they use to kill prey such as buffalo, returning to feast when the animal succumbs to the poison. Despite their ungainly appearance, the carnivorous reptiles can run as fast as a dog in short bursts, jump up on their hind legs, and kill animals with a blow of their powerful tail. Keep connected and the answer will be revealed next week, Shabbas Ha Gadol.

And now a word of Torah from my son Reuven, who with another 2 of my boys has returned from Yeshiva to be at home for the next month. The month  of our redemption, let we only merit it soon.

The famous question as to why is there a small aleph in Va Yikra.  So Reuven gave me 3 answers of which I will only tell you 2.  Rav Chiam Vitale brings down that because of what happened when Moshe Rebainu came down the Mountain and saw the golden calf ( Masey Ha Egal) he lost 1000 shades of his Zif Ha Panim( radiance of his face) The word 1000 in Hebrew is elef spelt the the same way as the Hebrew letter alef.  By Hashem making a small Alef, we are to understand that because of this incident, Moshe Rebainu lost 1000 shades of his radiance. Ziv Hapanim.

The second answer is according to the Kli Yakar and he says " What is the first Parsha in the chamash that children in Kita  "alef " learn.?  Why its Va Yikra !!! the small alef is a sign to us from Hashem that the first Parsha that we should teach our children is none other then this weeks Parsha.  Thank - you Reuven Ponak.

And now one more thing. This Shabbas its my Bar Mitzvah Parsha that I memorised as a 13 year old.  Unfortunately, I don’t remember it because it also happens to come out as the Shabbas before the Yourtziet of my Mother.  And our Rav here on Metzad holds that unless the Haftorah is read from a real parchment, then the one who gets Maftir is obligated to read himself.  And that means me, so I’m practicing. Wish me success.

I’m sure everyone knows that we moved the clocks ahead last night, Baruch Hashem for the extra hour.  I’m about to grill hamburgers with my special soy sauce and honey marinade, and its late.

Have the most Kedusha filled Shab bass,  sorry no fish this week.

Rb Yossi Ponak

Posted 3/31/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls | Comments (0)

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