Anybody who's better than you are, is a choice. The Roshei Hayeshivos are always the best; they're the ones who have the most experience in Torah, and they have a great deal of experience with people, but many times you can't get close to them because they are so busy. If you're able to get close to somebody who's a talmid chochom, then by all means do so. Even if you go there merely to help him out, to take a walk with him, even to eat together with him if possible. Whatever it is, it's important; ubo sidbok, you should cling to Hashem.
The Gemara says, how can you cling to Hashem? The Gemara says to cling to Hashem means to associate with talmidei chachomim. So if you marry off your daughter to a talmid chochom, the Gemara says that's called clinging to Hashem, or you marry the daughter of a talmid chochom. Associate with talmidei chachomim–and Baruch Hashem we have such people.
Although they may not be the highest and the greatest, nevertheless it's important always to be in contact with those who have experience in the ways of the Torah.
Good Shabbos To All
This is transcribed from questions that were posed to Harav Miller by the audience at the Thursday night lectures.
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210