The miracle of Chanukah was precipitated by Yehudis, the Maccabees' sister. One of the Greek tactics to destroy the Jews' connection to holiness was to have the Greek general deflower any Jewish bride on her wedding day. On her wedding day, Yehudis accused her brothers of doing nothing to defend her honor and subsequently (there are several stories about her) cut off the general's head and put it on a stake by the walls of Jerusalem. When the Syrian Greek army saw their commander's head on a stick, they fled.
The Jewish concepts of purity (tahara) and holiness (kedusha) are perhaps the most crucial aspects of our identity as Jews and they have preserved us through the centuries. Make sure you are not sacrificing the purity of your marriage. Some examples to avoid:
1. talking excessively or flirtatiously with other men
2. dressing up to leave the house and shlepping around at home.
3. oversharing about your marriage to others (pick one mentor to get advice from)
4. displaying parts of your body for other men to see and admire.
In the merit of Yehudis and her bravery, women are instructed to sit by the menorah each night and not do any work, as a reward and a commemoration for our part in the miracle.