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11 KISLEV, DEC. 2 The Haftorah is read from Hosea: 12:13-14:10. (The Mishneh brurah Siman 428 Subparagraph 22 states in the name of the Chayei Adam that we add additional pasukim in order to conclude the Haftorah on a positive note). Daf yomi is Bei ....

Posted 12/1/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Gut Shabbos & Gut Yom Tov

1. Time is a most precious commodity. Our minutes are measured, and, if they are not, maybe they should be! When a Torah Jew is asked 'Gotta minute?' he pauses for a moment before responding. Indeed, our days are marked by special Halachic points ....

Posted 11/16/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

Expand Article Tehillim Effort - Thursday November 9th
The women tehillim groups in Eretz Yisrael, after consultation with their Rabbinic advisors, are going to be uniting in tfilla at a tehillim gathering -- atzeret tfilla -- on Thursday at 5 p.m. This tfilla effort is worldwide for women. You don't ....

Posted 11/7/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Special Prayers

The Chofetz Chaim (Chovas Hashemira, Chapter 13) ponders the following question: A person takes out insurance on his house, so that if, chas v'shalom, a fire occurs, he will have enough funds to rebuild his home. But a house is made only of wood or ....

Posted 10/31/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

Expand Article Yahrtzeit of HaRav Meir Shapiro
Today (Sunday) is the Yahrtzeit of HaRav Meir Shapiro, ZT'L, and is also the first day of the Daf Yomi study of Mesechta Beitza. If one starts today, he will be able to make seven (7) siyumim over the next seven (7) months. Moreover, the mesechtos ....

Posted 10/29/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

Expand Article AIR TRAVEL
Less than two weeks ago, we began reciting 'Mashiv HaRuach U'Morid HaGeshem--He causes the wind to blow and brings down the rain.' The Kuntres Avodas HaTefillah adds a bit more depth. Hashem causes the wind to blow--bringing the clouds to where the ....

Posted 10/26/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

Expand Article Parshas Vayeishev
No matter where Yosef found himself, he acted as if he were in the presence of Hashem. Even when he ended up as a slave to an Egyptian master, the Torah tells us, “And his master saw that Hashem was ....

Posted 10/24/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Parsha Pearls

Expand Article Parashas Bereishis
Tomorrow is known as 'Shabbos Bereishis' not only because it is the day in which we read Parshas Bereishis, but because it is the Shabbos upon which we can commence an initiative to increase our Kedushas Shabbos, our sense of the holiness of Shabbos ....

Posted 10/20/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Gut Shabbos & Gut Yom Tov

Expand Article KIBUD AV V-AIM
a. Unless a parent is knowingly mochel, it is forbidden to refer to your father or mother by their first name (even when requested for identification purposes)without a title of honor preceding the first name, whether or not they are present and whet ....

Posted 10/19/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

Expand Article SHEMA YISROEL NOW - 9 pm tonight
The following is a message from the "[blue]Shema Yisrael Now[/blue]" committee, based in Chicago, regarding the 6th annual [red]worldwide Shema Yisrael effort[/red] for [red]Hoshana Rabba[/red], scheduled for [red]Thursday, October 12th at ....

Posted 10/12/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Special Prayers

Expand Article Make each moment count.
Moshe asks of Hashem, "To count our days so teach us, then we shall acquire wisdom (Psalm 90, verse 12)." Psalm 90 is one of the eleven psalms composed by Moshe that David incorporated into his Tehillim. What does Moshe mean when he asks ....

Posted 10/10/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

The three festivals of Sukkot, Pesach, and Shavuot, are known as the Moadim. The word "moed" has as its root- 'ed', which means testimony. Each of these holidays testifies to a different historical event in the lives of the Jewish people. On Sukk ....

Posted 10/6/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Gut Shabbos & Gut Yom Tov

Expand Article FLYING HIGH
We have now entered the lofty period between Yom Kippur and Sukkos, in which our ancestors donated all of the funds and material necessary to build the Mishkan--the first "earthly" sanctuary for Hashem since the creation of Man some 2448 ye ....

Posted 10/5/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (6:1) writes the following succinct halacha: Before starting a brocha, know how it will end, so that when you say the name of Hashem, which is the main part of the brocha, you know what the brocha is referring to. This is ....

Posted 10/3/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

Chazal teach us that: 'He who prepares on Erev Shabbos, will eat on Shabbos.' This means that one who properly prepares on the sixth day of the week will be taken care of on the seventh day of the week. Similarly, HaRav Shlomo Zevin, ZT'L, notes th ....

Posted 9/11/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Gut Shabbos & Gut Yom Tov

Expand Article COMPLACENT?
We all know that this Friday is the first day of Elul. The knowledge that it is, however, two days off may allow us to press the 'snooze button' one more time. While on snooze, we urge you to think about Rosh Chodesh Elul in some way. One thing to ....

Posted 8/24/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

The story is told of a frugal gentlemen who passed away and was called to task by the Heavenly Court for not having given adequate charity. Before he was to begin receiving his punishment, he pleaded “Give me my checkbook! I will write as many che ....

Posted 8/18/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

The Navi (Yeshaya 32:17) teaches: 'And the deed of righteousness shall be peace, and the act of righteousness [shall be] tranquility and safety until eternity.' What then are the deeds and righteousness, the acts of righteousness, that the Navi w ....

Posted 8/17/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

This week's Parsha contains the Parshas HaYira (Devorim 10:12-11:9). This Parsha is published in many Siddurim, including the Artscroll Siddur, at page 181a. If one cannot ordinarily make the time to recite this Parsha every day, we highly recommen ....

Posted 8/11/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

Expand Article Thoughts from Tehillim
In the first Psalm, the righteous person is compared to "a tree set into the ground near streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and whose leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does he will succeed." When G-d created t ....

Posted 8/6/2006 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Thoughts for the Week

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