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Mrs. Alegria Igelman A"H Levaya and Shiva
Message from Petah Tikva Congregation: It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear longtime member and friend Mrs. Alegria Igelman z"l.

The funeral will take place Friday May 10th  at 10:00 am at Steeles Memorial Chapel followed by the burial at Pardes Shalom Cemetery, Petah Tikva Section.

Services Tefillah at 7:15 am and Minha and Arvit at 8:15 pm will take place at 148 Arnold Ave., Thornhill.

Shiva will be held at 148 Arnold Ave., Thornhill.
Friday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Monday - Wednesday 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Our most sincere condolences go out to her children Mr. Marvin Igelman, Mr. Alex Igelman, Mrs. Dinah Akierman and to her siblings Mr. Armando Cohen, Mr. Salomon Cohen and Mrs. Sol Pinto.

Posted 5/10/2024 2:06 PM | Tell a Friend | Message Board | Comments (0)

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