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Information received from the Kashrus organizations informing the community of any change in status of a kosher product or service.

Blog Image: OU.jpg
Hershey's Simply 5 Syrup - OU-D -Dairy Equipment
January 18, 2024 from the OU in response to a question from the editor:
The Hershey's Simply 5 Syrup is labeled OUD, but in fact, its true status, at the present time, is DE (Dairy Equipment).

September 18, 2023 and January 17, 2024 from the OU in response to a question from the editor:
The Hershey's Original Syrup is labeled OUD, but in fact, its true status, at the present time, is DE (Dairy Equipment).
What does DE mean? A DE product does not contain actual dairy ingredients, but it is manufactured with heat on dairy equipment. DE items may be eaten after meat, but not with meat at the same time.
Many products qualify to be DE but are labeled OUD because OUD is a less confusing symbol for the kosher consumer. Also, to be a true DE product, the equipment must be properly cleaned of residue after dairy production, and that level of cleanliness is sometimes difficult to maintain and guarantee.

Please note that it is possible that the manufacturer will reformulate this product and add a true dairy ingredient. You will not be able to know this, since the OUD kosher symbol will remain the same. We recommend that you contact our office every few months to reconfirm the DE status of this product.

Posted 1/31/2024 9:35 PM | Tell a Friend | Kosher Alerts | Comments (0)

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