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Frumtoronto - At a Glance
Toronto is growing. Communities are expanding. New communities are developing. The children are growing up, getting married and starting their own families. Shuls are extending their Shiurim and other programs. New Shuls are popping up at every corner. Businesses are openings and expanding their services. Every week more signs go up announcing upcoming events; more announcements of engagements and other Simchas. Keeping track of everything going on can be quite tricky.

At the same time, the challenges our community faces are growing as well. Businesses are up against large chain department stores. They always were, but these stores started selling on-line. They have promotions available – only on-line. Government documents are now available – on-line. Booking a flight? Go on-line. Most of us rely on e-mail for work and many companies can only be contacted through e-mail. Need information on health care, raising children or renovations? Find it all – on-line.

With the world as a whole going on-line to save processing costs, open their products to a larger market and as a low cost enhancement to customer service, the ‘need’ for every one to get internet is growing. The dangers of having internet at home are no secret. The problem for many is the lack of choice. Not having the internet is a self-imposed limitation to basic business operations and a restriction to the individuals needs as well., in cooperation with Kosher Net, is all about removing these limitations. We’ve created one site for Shul listings, business directories, community calendar, news, events, D’vrei Torah and advice on practically everything you can think of. One site for lost and found, career opportunities and other classified type ads. Recipes, Simchas and Gemachs. Weekly sales and on-line shopping. One site designed with everyone in mind.

All Kosher sites can be added to the white list of Kosher Net. Information from other sites can be found on The site’s set up in blogger format allowing the many talented professionals of our community to share there vast knowledge on a wide variety of topics. Members of our community can post their Simchas and other can post a response. Readers can share experiences, stories and recipes. There is no limit to the information this site can hold and the range of topics are constantly being expanded.

There’s one catch. We need your help. We need the participation of the entire community, individuals and groups, to tell us what’s going on. We will periodically prompt for things, like ideas on places go for kids and things to do on rainy days. The more everyone uses resources like the Classified section, the more beneficial they become. Questions and comments are always welcome. What perhaps is the best thing everyone can do to support the site is to patronize the community businesses. With out them there would be no community. is not just a community site; it’s our community’s site. With our commitment to servicing the Toronto community on a whole and as individuals, we hope to be an invaluable source of information and knowledge that everyone can benefit from.

Posted 10/16/2007 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | About Us


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