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Today’s Halachos Friday August 29

)Birchas HaShachar may be recited while sitting. The Siddur Yaa’vetz brings a custom to stand though, and this seems to be the prevalent Minhag amongst Ashkenazic Jews.

2) Women are obligated in all the Brachos of Birchas HaShachar. The only difference: women should recite “SheAsani K’Retzono- Hashem created me according to his will” instead of “SheLo Asani Isha- Hashem did not create me as a woman (who is obligated in less Mitzvos than a man) , which men say. (The Chida and others bring a Sephardic custom for women to say “Shelo Asani Goya” rather than the masculine “goy” and  Shelo Asani Shifcha”( female maidservant) rather than “Eved” (male slave). However, most Poskim say that this change should not be made and women should say the same nusach as men as the collective goy includes women as does the collective Eved .)


Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Halachos For Shabbos Kodesh August 30 - Please print off

1) One who is already wearing Tefilin before he recites the Birchas Hashachar (as was the Minhag of the Belz Rebbe MaHaraSH Zt”l and many other Chasidic Rebbes), should touch his Tefilin Shel Rosh upon reciting the Bracha “Oter Yisrael B’TifArah- Hashem crowns Jews with his glory”. There is no obligation to don Tefilin before Birchas HaShachar though.(In fact the Shulchan Aruch HaRav maintains that since Birchas HaShachar should ideally be said as close to waking up as possible, it is best to say it at home  before going to Shul and donning Tefillin. However he also says that if one is in Shul already and did not yet recite Birchas HaShachar, he should say Birchas HaTorah, don Tefillin and then say Birchas HaShachar).

2) One who does not know how to recite Birchas HaShachar (or any Bracha for that matter) on their own, may listen to someone else recite the Birchas Hashachar [and answer Amen] and thus satisfy their obligation

Every Jewish male has an obligation to recite [at least] 100 Brachos every single day (According to the Bais Yosef and most Rishonim this “day”  also begins at sunset, like most other things in Halacha. Others argue and maintain that for this it begins in the morning). Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal, Rav Shmuel Wosner shlita, and others maintain that women and children are not obligated in this requirement, but do get reward if they try and fulfill this obligation.

 Therefore, it is better to recite Birchas Hashachar (and all Brachos) by yourself rather than hear them from someone else (As Shomea K"Oneh, only works B’Dochek, if at all,  for the obligation of 100 Brachos)

On Shabbos it is more difficult to satisfy the obligation of making 100 blessings, as Shemona Esrei has less Brachos etc. and most likely one will be 13-20 Brachos shy of the 100. Therefore one should try and add as many Brachos as possible to his routine on Shabbos (e.g. eat more fruits, add Asher Yatzars, Birchas Hamazon on a glass of wine etc.) in order to reach the requisite 100 Brachos.



Visit  my website for archives, links,and  other features. Halachos are for study purposes, and should not be relied upon for final Psak. I welcome all  questions on any topic, anytime! Spread the word of Hashem! Tell your friends about this list and have them sign up too! Bracha V’Hatzlacha!

Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Today’s Halachos thursday August 28
1) Although the Birchas HaShachar contain very specific, personal sounding, Brachos, it is important to remember that they were also instituted as a general giving of thanks to Hashem for providing all of mankind’s needs.
Therefore, (according to the Rama, Mishna Berura and others) every Jew may recite all the Brachos upon waking up in the morning, even those that do not to pertain to them personally (e.g. one who slept clothed can still make the blessing of “Malbish Arumim”, as it is a thanks for Hashem’s providing clothes to mankind, and not only for your clothing this morning, one who walks barefoot can still make the blessing of “ SheAsah Li Kol Tzorki”, as it thanks Hashem for providing shoes for mankind, and isn’t referring only to your own shoes, one who is blind can still make the blessing of PoKeach Ivrim, as it thanks Hashem for allowing mankind to see, and isn’t only referring to his own eyesight, etc.)
The Mechaber(Rav Yosef Kairo, author of the Shulchan Aruch)[in Siman 46:8] argues on the above, and maintains that one who isn’t obligated in any one Bracha, may only recite that particular Bracha without Hashem’s name. Those who follow the rulings of the Mechaber (Most Sephardic Jews) follow this ruling. Jews who follow the Rama’s rulings (most Ashkenazic Jews) may say all the Brachos each morning, as stated above.
2) One who was awake the entire night is not obligated to recite the following 3 Brachos , and may therefore not recite them by him/herself , and should rather try and hear them from someone else who is saying them and thus be exempted: “Al Netilas Yadayim” (Unless the bathroom was used before davening) “Elokai Neshama” “HaMaavir Sheina M’Enai”
Visit my website for archives, links,and other features. Halachos are for study purposes, and should not be relied upon for final Psak. I welcome all questions on any topic, anytime! Spread the word of Hashem! Tell your friends about this list and have them sign up too! Bracha V'Hatzlacha!

Posted 8/30/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Today’s Halachos -Sunday August 24
1) It is prohibited to talk while using the bathroom (even if the person you are talking to doesn’t know you are in the bathroom).
Even to utter one word or short sentence (“Yes”, No” or “I’m in the bathroom) is prohibited. If extremely urgent to say something, one may say only what is necessary, provided he isn’t actually relieving himself at that moment. 
If one is in the bathroom for any other reason, besides for using the facilities (e.g. brushing teeth, washing hands, giving a child a bath etc.) then it is permitted to speak, according to most Poskim, as the main reason for the prohibition is due to Tznius concerns, and those concerns obviously aren’t warranted when not in there to use the facilities. [There are also Kabalistic reasons for not speaking in a bathroom at any time, even when not using the facilities, however most contemporary Poskim are lenient when doing chores in the bathroom other than using the facilities]
2) It is best to refrain from bringing food and drink items into a bathroom, and surely it is best to refrain from eating in a bathroom.
Food that was brought in to a bathroom should ideally be rinsed off three times before using. If the food was in a sealed container or bag, there is no problem.
Visit my website for archives, links,and other features. Halachos are for study purposes, and should not be relied upon for final Psak. I welcome all questions on any topic, anytime! Spread the word of Hashem! Tell your friends about this list and have them sign up too! Bracha V’Hatzlacha!

Posted 8/26/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Today’s Halachos - Tuesday August 26
1)Upon hearing someone recite any Bracha, one is required to answer “Amen”. There is no difference if the person reciting the Bracha is exempting the listener with the Bracha or not; the obligation to answer Amen is the same. (According to the Ramban and others, when hearing a Bracha that is a biblical obligation, such as Birchas Hamazon, the answering of Amen is also a biblical obligation)

The simple meaning of the word “Amen” , and the minimum one should think when saying Amen after hearing a Bracha,is: “The Bracha that was just recited is true, and I believe it” (for example when one makes a “Shehakol” on a glass of water, by reciting “Amen” you are affirming that indeed it is true that Hashem created everything with His word, and that you believe that Hashem can ,and does, create everything!).

There are many other,more complex and detailed “Kavanos” involved in the recital of “Amen” which differ based on the type of Bracha recited (Birchas HaNehenin, Birchas HaMitzvos, Birchas Ha’Shevach etc.), but we will not delve into those details at this point)

2)The Gemara (Berachos 53b) says that the person answering Amen is greater than the person reciting the initial Bracha. Furthermore, the Gemara (Shabbos 119b) says that one who answers Amen with all his strength (which means "full concentration" according to Rashi, and "in a loud voice", according to Tosefos) ,the gates of Gan Eden are opened up for him/her. Another thing the Gemara says there is that one who answers “Amen Yehei Shemai Rabba” with all their strength will merit having any bad heavenly decrees against them ripped up. There are many more such wonderful Maa’marei Chazal regarding the beauty and power of answering “Amen”. There are many great contemporary Sefarim and books dedicated to this subjectand I encourage everyone to read up on this topic as best as they can. (One facinating book I read a while back about the power of Amen is called "Serenade The King")

Visit my website for archives, links,and other features. Halachos are for study purposes, and should not be relied upon for final Psak. I welcome all questions on any topic, anytime! Spread the word of Hashem! Tell your friends about this list and have them sign up too! Bracha V’Hatzlacha!

Posted 8/26/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Halacha For Today Picture.jpg
Today’s Halachos - Friday August 22
1) Besides the requirement to wash one’s hands each morning, there are many other situations throughout the day that require Netilas Yadayim, as follows:
a) After using the bathroom (and possibly even after simply being in a bathroom or bathhouse, according to many Poskim)
b) After bathing in a bathhouse [or even showering at home]
c) After cutting your nails of your fingers or toes. Some Poskim are lenient and don’t require washing after “biting” nails as this is done out of nervousness and not with intention to cut the nails (Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Steipler and others)
d) After touching [leather] shoes, that were walked in at least once. (In a shoe store, trying on new shoes, washing isn’t necessary)
e) After touching your feet (this is the case even for one who usually goes barefoot)
f) After scratching your head (only if you scratch deep enough to scratch the scalp, according to Mishna Berura, Chayei Adam and most others. Therefore, no washing is necessary after donning the Tefillin Shel Rosh each morning.)
g) After being in a cemetery or at a funeral, in a house where there lies a dead body, or after touching a dead body.
h) After having marital relations (this applies to women as well, according to the Ben Ish Chai)
i) After touching lice (and according to Shulchan Aruch Harav, also after touching any impure animal)
j) After touching any places on the body that are normally covered (according to the Chazon Ish, one does not need washing after diapering a baby or touching any other part of an infant that is usually covered, as there is no status of “Ervah” for infants. Others argue.)
k) After getting your hair cut.
 2) Many of the aforementioned situations require Netilah due to Ruach Ra, and many are simply because of Nekiyus- cleanliness. Most of the above do not require a utensil, and do not require washing each hand 3 times. A full detailing of the many different opinions for each of the above, and a discussion as to the reason behind each one’s requirement to wash, is beyond the scope of this email. As a rule of thumb: If washing 3 times with a utensil is not a big deal to do, it is best to do it for all of the above situations.
According to Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach, washing is not necessary after having a blood test, or after donating blood. However, if blood was let out as a cure for any ailment (something which isn’t common these days), all agree that washing is necessary.
(It may be a good idea to print out the Halchos from the past week(s), which can be found in the archives on and review and discuss them at the shabbos table with your family. It may also be a good idea to print out a copy or two to take to Shul for others to review as well.)
WISHING YOU ALL A ELEVATED AND FULFILLING SHABBOS! Visit my website for archives, links,and other features. Halachos are for study purposes, and should not be relied upon for final Psak. I welcome all questions on any topic, anytime! Spread the word of Hashem! Tell your friends about this list and have them sign up too! Bracha V’Hatzlacha!

Posted 8/22/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

Blog Image: Halacha For Today Picture.jpg
Today’s Halachos - for Wednesday August 20th
1) After washing Negel Vasser, one should wash their face, out of respect for our Creator, Hashem. Many also have the custom to rinse out their mouths, as to have a “pure mouth” with which to utter the names of Hashem while davening. (On a fast day, this should not be done, according to the Mishna Berurah)
2) A Jew who did not wash Negel Vasser, should not help wash the hands of another Jew. (This is common with older people in hospitals, nursing homes etc. where a non religious Jewish nurse may want to help them wash). However, the Jew with the unwashed hands may bring the water to the bedside of the other Jew.
*** Clarification: I have been inundated with emails (which I greatly appreciate) regarding the following Halacha which was in Monday’s email asking for clarification, so I did some more research about it, and will elaborate a bit here:
“All of the aforementioned Halachos only apply if one is ready to get up for the day. If one just got up to use the bathroom, deal with a baby or any other reason, and plans to go back to bed, he/she is not yet obligated to wash his/her hands, and thus isn’t subject yet to the Halachos preceding the washing.”
This Halacha, (which is brought in the Sefer Ishei Yisroel as well as in Sefer Piskei Teshuvos in the name of the Eishel AvrahamM’Butshash) is based on the Mishna Berurah Siman 1 Se’if Katan 2, which states as follows: “…K’Sheyisorer M’Shnaso V’Eino Rotzeh Lishon, Yitol Yadav- When he awakens, and doesn’t want to sleep anymore, he should wash his hands…” Many Poskim read this to mean very clearly that the Mishna Berura held as we stated in the above Halacha, that Negel Vasser isn’t required until one is ready to wake up for the day, and thus getting up with the intention of going back to bed, isn’t considered waking up yet. Other Poskim (The Shelah and others , based on the Zohar’s extreme stringency of all matters containing to Ruach Ra) maintain that even when planning to go back to bed, Negel Vasser is still required.
The consensus of the contemporary Poskim seems to be that if one merely gets up to use the restroom, quiet a baby etc. and is still ”half asleep” he/she can rely on the lenient opinions, and not wash Negel Vasser. (especially if by washing Negel Vasser, one will awaken further, and thus have a harder time falling asleep again, and subsequently waking up late for davening or find himself tired in Shul due to his being “awake” during the night, etc.) However, if one is “fully awake” (be it an insomniac in search of a midnight snack or any other reason) he should be stringent and wash Negel Vasser, even if he plans on returning to sleep for the rest of the night.
Visit my website for archives, links,and other features. Halachos are for study purposes, and should not be relied upon for final Psak. I welcome all questions on any topic, anytime! Spread the word of Hashem! Tell your friends about this list and have them sign up too! Bracha V’Hatzlacha!

Posted 8/20/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Today’s Halachos - Tuesday August 19
In order to ensure that the impure spirit leaves the body, it is important to make sure to wash Negel Vasser properly, as follows:
a) Water must be poured on each hand 3 times in a pattern (i.e. wash the right hand once, the left hand once, the right hand a second time, the left hand a second time etc.)
(The Gaon of Vilna required a fourth washing for each hand, as to wash away the impure water from the hands. The Mishna Berura seems to agree with this stringency).
A left handed person still must wash the right hand first.
b) The water must not be hot (we will not get into the various other details of the Kashrus/quality of the water at this time, as they arenʼt very practical today that we all Baruch Hashem have clean sink water)
c) Negel Vasser must be washed with the strength of a person, and not simply by allowing running water to pass over the hands. (If you find yourself in a situation where you have no utensil, you can open the sink and wash the right hand. Close the sink. Re-open the sink and wash the left hand etc. and do this procedure for each of the hands 3 (or 4) times)
d) A utensil must be used. It must be a complete, unbroken utensil and must be large enough to hold a Revi'is of water (3.3. fl. oz)
e) The utensil must be filled with at least a Revi'is of water .
f) The hands must not have any Chatzitza (something that obstructs the water from reaching the skin) on them. Rings and band aids etc. should be removed before washing. If one has a cast on one hand, he should wash the other hand with all the Halachos, and can then make the Bracha of Al Netilas Yadayim.
g) The hands must be washed all the way until the wrist, each of the six (or 8) times. It is important to make sure that both the outside of the hand as well as the inside (palm) get fully washed each time.
2) If one wasn't able to wash with some (or all) of the aforementioned conditions, he should still was with as many of them as possible, and make a Bracha, according to the Mishna Berura. (The Gaon of Vilna and The Shulchan Aruch Harav argue and maintain that no Bracha is made if not all the conditions were fulfilled.
Visit my website for archives, links,and other features. Halachos are for study purposes, and should not be relied upon for final Psak. I welcome all questions on any topic, anytime! Spread the word of Hashem! Tell your friends about this list and have them sign up too! Bracha V’Hatzlacha!
[ I want to thank all of you who are part of this wonderful group. With Hashem’s help we already have over 150 subscribers , many who are actively involved (through referrals, questions,comments , website advice etc.) in helping me learn and spread the word of Hashem. May it be a zechus for the hastening of Moshiach’s arrival!]

Posted 8/19/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Halacha for Erev Shabbos 14 Av, August 15
[1) Every Jewish man and woman must wash their hands immediately upon waking up each morning. This washing is commonly referred to as “Negel Vasser”.
There are 3 reasons that the Poskim give for necessitating this washing:
a) A person’s hands are “busy” when he/she is asleep, and we assume that he/she surely touched an area of the body that requires the washing of the hands.
b) Each night when we sleep, our soul ascends to heaven. Thus upon waking, and re-receiving our soul, it is as if we are a “new creation”. Therefore we are required to thank Hashem for “creating” us for his glory, to serve Him and make blessing with His name. Therefore, before serving Hashem we must sanctify ourselves and wash our hands properly; much like the Kohen would wash himself before serving Hashem in the Bais Hamikdash. Our praying is considered “Avodah”- serving Hashem and is equivalent to the Kohen’s “Avodah” in the Bais Hamikdash!
c) When we sleep, a “Ruach Ra” (loosely translated as “impure spirit”) rests on our bodies, and in order to re-acquire our Ruach Kedusha (pure spirit) we must wash our hands. [There are many practical Halachic differences that result depending on which of the above reasons we wash our hands, (one who was up all night, one who slept with gloves etc.) but it is beyond the scope of this email to delve into all of them at this time]
2) Children from the age of Chinuch (from around age 5) also must wash Negel Vasser. Some Poskim (The Chazon Ish, The Steipler and others) were extremely stringent regarding children, and urged parents to wash their children’s hands from when they were newborn. Walking around without washing Negel Vasser is not something that should be taken lightly, as the Zohar and other Kabalistic sources write terrible things about people who are negligent in this matter. (In the next few days we will perhaps touch on some of these things more in detail) Wishing you all a restful and fulfilling Shabbos Nachamu.
Spiritual Tip #1: Please try and print out the Halachos from the past week(s), (which can be found in the archives on and review them with your family at the shabbos table!
This Shabbos is Tu B’Av (15th day of the month of Menachem av). The Mishna in Taanis states that there aren’t any Yomim Tovim as joyous as Tu B’Av and Yom Kippur! (See the Gemara Taanis 30 b for details about the many wonderful miracles that Hashem performed over the years for Klal Yisroel on this day). The Sefarim also write that Tu B’Av, much like its counterpart, Yom Kippur, is also a good day for reflection and atonement for our sins.
Visit my website for archives, links,and other features. Halachos are for study purposes, and should not be relied upon for final Psak. I welcome all questions on any topic, anytime! Spread the word of Hashem! Tell your friends about this list and have them sign up too! Bracha V’Hatzlacha!
Today’s learning was dedicated by a group member L’Zecher Nishmas R’ Moshe Leib Ben Rav Yerucham Haleivi. His yahrtzeit is today, 14 Menachem Av. Please learn L’Ilui Nishmaso]

Posted 8/15/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Today’s Halachos for Thursday August 14
Today’s learning was dedicated by a group member L’Refuah Shelaima B’Karov of Avigdor Avraham Ben Chana
1)  Jewish males may not walk more than 4 Amos (around 8 feet) without a head covering. It is praiseworthy to be stringent and not even sit in one place, or even sleep without a head covering. Young boys should be trained from a very early age to wear a Kipah on their heads, as the Gemara states (Shabbos 156b) that covering the head leads one to fear Hashem.


If one must walk 4 Amos in his home and doesnʼt have something with which  to cover his head, he may do so with his hand .However, if one is outside (and he is directly under the sky) using his hand for a cover will not suffice.


2) If one is in a place where he cannot cover his head (like a court house, where it may be the law of the land that heads must be bare), or if he is in such a profession that he is afraid that covering his head will cause him loss of clients or revenue, there is a possibility that he can walk with a bare head without transgressing this Halacha, due to Dina DʼMalchusa(law of the land).


However, before determining this, and especially in todayʼs day and age when it is acceptable almost everywhere to wear a Kipah (due to the kindness of Hashem that most of us live with religious freedom and tolerance), a competent Halachic authority should be consulted.
Clarifications to yesterdayʼs Halachos:


 Yesterday we learned about not putting on two articles of clothing at once. The reason for not doing this is because it can lead to forgetting oneʼs Torah (Kashe LʼShikcha). This prohibition does not apply to women (according to most Poskim), as women are not prohibited from forgetting Torah. [However, from the texts of the Poskim it seems that they might however forget what they did learn if they do this, so any woman that doesnʼt want to forget any Torah that she has learned( especially from the Halacha For Today emails ) is wise to adhere to this Halacha even though she is not bound by the prohibition]


The Tzitz Eliezer based on the Aruch Hashulchan maintains that this prohibition does not apply to shoes [as they arenʼt considered clothing]. Therefore one may put on two shoes or a shoe and a rubber/ boot at the same time..

Visit  my website  for archives, links,and  other features. Halachos are for study purposes, and should not be relied upon for final Psak. I welcome all  questions on any topic, anytime! Spread the word of Hashem! Tell your friends about this list and have them sign up too! Bracha V’Hatzlacha

Posted 8/14/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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Halacha for Today - Tuesday August 12

1) As an introduction to the laws of getting up in the morning, [and indeed  an introduction to all of the laws with which every Jew must live his life], the Rama begins his commentary on the Shulchan Aruch with very essential words for every Jew to know, memorize and internalize, as follows: 

 “…One should always remember that Hashem is in front of him/her. This is an important tenet of the Torah…one’s actions, character, and nature is not the same if he is alone in his home, as they would be were he/she  in the presence of an important king…one’s speech and mannerism is not the same if he/she  is talking to friends, as  they would be were he/she  talking to a king… How much more so must a person realize in his/her  heart that Hashem, the great king, whose presence fills the entire world is standing near him/her and sees his/her every action…….A person must not be embarrassed from any human beings that may ridicule him for serving Hashem…for even in the privacy of one’s home, and even while laying in one’s bed every Jew must remember in front of whom he is laying…and as soon as a Jew awakes, he should quickly rise to serve Hashem...”  

Although one should quickly get out of bed in the morning when it’s time to daven, in order to rush to serve Hashem, it should still be done calmly and not with a quick jump, as that can harm the body.


2) When reciting Modeh Ani upon waking up, a comma should be inserted between the words “Shechezarta Bi Nishmasi B’Chemlah” (For you have returned my soul within me with compassion)  and  the words “Rabbah Emunasecha” (abundant is your faithfulness)

Visit  my website for archives, links,and  other features. Halachos are for study purposes, and should not be relied upon for final Psak. I welcome all  questions on any topic, anytime! Spread the word of Hashem! Tell your friends about this list and have them sign up too! Bracha V’Hatzlacha!

Posted 8/12/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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