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Blog Image: Raffle.JPG
Early Bird Draw for BYES and Eitz Chaim Draws are Fast Approaching
Bais Yaakov Elementary School Early bird draw - December 29 2008
Eitz Chaim Great Giveaway early bird draw - December 31, 2008

Super Draw for Beth Jacob High School - Date extended to Feb. 22nd. Tickets for the Super Draw can be purchased on line through FrumToronto. Click the link on the side of the home page.

On line purchasing of the BYES raffle will be set up next week IY"H.

Frum Toronto Staff

Posted 12/27/2008 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Frum Toronto Staff | Comments (0)

Blog Image: AishToronto.JPG
Thank You for Using Our Site
Welcome to the Toronto Orthodox Community Website. Contact us for Community events, Simchas, Alerts, Eruv status and more. The site is currently being renovated. IY"H we will soon provide the community with information on Davening Schedules, Shiurim, Shopping and more. We are in the process of developing a system that allows users to log in to add to the blog and calendar. We hope to complete this by mid November.

Posted 9/19/2007 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Frum Toronto Staff


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