Thursday, February 06, 2025
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Shiurim - Mussar Mesillat Yesharim "Path of the Upright" Back | Return to List
Going throughthe ethical (musar) text composed by the influential Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (1707–1746). Reading together in a small group with examples and explanation in English.

Mesillat Yesharim is probably Luzzato's most influential work, widely learned in virtually every yeshiva since formal study of musar texts was introduced to the yeshiva curriculum by the Mussar Movement of Rabbi Yisroel Salanter.

1 Aim of the work
2 Outline
3 Influence
4 Resources/References
Aim of the work
The aim of this work extends beyond the achievement of the perfection of human character in Divine service. Its stated aim is to remind the reader of one's deepest obligations in this regard, as well as to encourage the centrality of the deep study of this subject matter in one's daily life. Unlike many other musar books, which are ordered according to the authors' own lists of character traits, Luzzato builds his work on a Beraita in the name of the sage Pinchas ben Yair, whose list goes in order of accomplishment:

Given by: Rabbi Mordechai Michalowicz
Location: Westmount Shul & Learning Centre
10 Disera Drive #250
L4J 0A7
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Level: Beginner
This Shiur is intended for Men.

Thursday 8:30pm -9:10pm

Contact Rabbi Mordechai Michalowicz at 6478585296 or click here or visit for more information.
A project of:
Westmount Shul & Learning Centre
10 Disera Drive #250
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