Friday, July 26, 2024
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To the esteemed ladies of our community,

Starting this Tuesday at 8:00 pm there will be a brand new exciting shiur given in the downstairs restaurant at the Sephardic Kehila Centre.

Each week the class will touch upon various Torah subjects such as the weekly Torah portion and certain everyday Halacha inquiries.

Being the first woman’s class at SKC in a number of years, this shiur promises to be both interactive and practical to our daily lives.

The class will last for approximately 45 minutes followed by light refreshments which will give us ladies a chance to relax, meet new friends, and converse with each other.

Come join us in this wonderful opportunity to hear words of inspiration and grow in the words of Hashem.

Hope to see you all there and Shabbat Shalom!

Enny Cohen

Location: Abir Yaakob Congregation
7026 Bathurst Street
L4J 8K3
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Level: All
This Shiur is intended for Women.

Tuesday 8:00pm -8:45pm

A project of:
Abir Yaakob Congregation
7026 Bathurst Street
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