Saturday, July 27, 2024
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--- Weekly Specials Log On ---

The logon enables the members to post articles and add comments to the Blogger, add events to the Community Calendar, Shiurim to the Weekly Shiurim page and ads to the Classified section.

Once logged on, to submit or review a weekly special, click the 'click here' link on the top right hand side of the Weekly Special page.

The Weekly Special manager allows you to view and edit your previous ads by clicking in the ad text. To add a new special, click on the 'Add Special' link on the top right hand side.

Select the start and end dates. Fill in the Ad details and click 'Submit Special'.

Your Business must be registered on FrumToronto to post ads to the Weekly Specials section.


--- Weekly Specials Posting Tips ---

- Don't include your business name or address. Your business name is automatically included and links to your listing in the FrumToronto directory.

- For one day only sales, set the start and end date to the same day.

- There is limited space on the Weekly Specials page. We intended it for super good sales only. The better the sales, the more viewers we get, the more money you make.

- Your regular sales can be included in a separate flyer. Ask us about including a link to your business's weekly flyer.

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