Friday, July 26, 2024
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--- Classified Log On ---

The logon enables the members to post articles and add comments to the Blogger, add events to the Community Calendar, Shiurim to the Weekly Shiurim page and ads to the Classified section.

Once logged on, posting to the Classified is easy. Click on the 'New Ads, Click Here' link located on the top right hand side of the Classified page to open the Add New Classified Window.

Change the start date to when you would like the ad to start. The ad will expire after one week.

Select an existing category or create a new one. Enter the title and a short description. Contact information is optional. Members can respond through the site.

Pictures with a jpeg extension can be uploaded by clicking the 'upload image click here' link. Click the 'browse' button, select the file from your hard drive and upload.

To respond to an ad via the site, click the 'To respond, CLICK HERE' link, fill in the text box and click 'Submit'. Responses can only be seen by the individual who submitted the ad and by members of the FrumToronto staff.


--- Classified Posting Tips ---

- Use the Classified Manager to view your previous ads and responses.

- Don't forget to check back to see the responses to your ad. When logged off you can see the number of responses. You must be logged on to view the responses.

- Ads expire after a week. To have an ad for longer, submit a new ad or contact us and we can override the system.

- Large images need to be shrunk before uploading them. Open them in MSPaint, Stretch them by 50%, save the new image using a different name and try again.

- When responding to an ad, don't forget to include your contact information.

- There is currently no charge to post ads or responses in the classified page. Please support the businesses that are listed and advertise on our site.
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